The story of an experimental learning laboratory


Disruptive Media Learning Lab
A story of an experimental laboratory…

23-24th November 2017
World Education Congress

In 2012, it could be said, that Coventry University had the ability to go online in a big way, instead however it sought to invest in its biggest asset – its students and academic staff.

It had recognised the potential of some small steps into the ‘open’ water which had caused some rather large ripples in the pond of global educational. Early experiments with open and collaboratively authored books, provocations made through freely available open education resources drew significant recognition and neutralised the historical hierarchies of the University. Through the simple act of ‘opening it’s doors’ to a newly launched photography course, it’s on-campus students rapidly built up a network of thousands of people across 150+ international cities.

This is a short story focussing on a few of the highlights from those first three years of establishing the Disruptive Media Learning Lab, a cross-University experimental unit prompted by the radical, profound and systematic changes affecting Higher Education in a digital first era, seeking to challenge the existing status quo, by opening up education to provide a safe space for students and staff to re-model existing teaching learning practices in new and disruptive media spaces.

Thank you to the jury and council at the World Education Congress for the opportunity to share these ideas and your generous hospitality.

The biggest thank you however, goes to my remarkable team, my previous colleagues and students without each and everyone of you these wonderful achievements would not have been possible.

You can see more details on the Lab’s achievements at this key milestone in our journey!


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