

Title: (re)collect – Jonathan Shaw
Publisher: Pavilion
Date: February 2006
ISBN: 0-9544775-2-9
Price: £16.00 (plus postage and packing) Purchase from Amazon

The catalogue includes a foreword written by Debra Klomp, director of Pavilion and essays by Jean Baird, senior lecturer in Theory and Practice of Photography at Nottingham Trent University and Peter Ride, co-director and senior research fellow at the Centre for Arts Research Technology and Education (CARTE), University of Westminster and artistic director of DA2, Digital Arts Development Agency.

The catalogue is a 48 page, full colour publication in hardback. It combines existing and newly commissioned work, installation photographs, video stills and intriguing full scale details from the Victoria Gardens, 22nd October 2005 and Gallery 13, 10th August 2002.
Design by Darren Ching, creative director of Photo District News, New York.

(re)collect – Jonathan Shaw is published in association with Leeds Met Gallery and Coventry University.