Photographers and Photography Audiences

Photographers and Photography Audiences

Wednesday 13th November 2013, 1.30pm – 4.30pm

The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Jordan Well, Coventry, CV1 5QP

In this session we hear from Nicola Shipley co-director of GRAIN – the Photography hub and network for the West Midlands. Having recently conducted the largest ever survey of photographers and audiences for fine art photography, Nicola will share with us an up to date picture of what’s happening, who is out there and what the priorities are. As GRAIN prepares a programme of events and professional development this is your chance to find out about what is on offer and to suggest the support that you might need to develop your photography practice.

We will also hear from Arsha Arshad, a photographer whose work is more often exhibited internationally than in the UK. How does she make the connections and relationships that has galleries approach her to request a show?

Chaired by Jonathan Shaw of Coventry University (the Photographic Mediations collection he curates on iTunesU has just surpassed its millionth listen), this will be a chance to find out where the opportunities are in the region and to figure out what your next step might be.

The session is designed for any graduate (including final year students) or, indeed, any individual based in the West Midlands who is starting or already runs a creative business (in arts, design or media).
Please click here for our booking terms and conditions.
For any further queries please contact Creative Enterprise by email to or by calling 07872 649057


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